Yesterday morning, I practically bounced off my bed and into my day with a jolt of excitement, a la my much adored and super appreciated community radio station, Voice of Vashon. Let me gush for just a moment! Our island is full of people who grasp the opportunity to contribute to their community with enthusiasm & commitment, and our amazing island radio station is just one of the many projects dreamed up and brought to fruition by this “can do” attitude. So, as I find myself saying so often, “Many, many thanks to those who have contributed to one of the nation’s best community radio stations!”
If you’re just now learning about Prose, Poetry & Purpose, let me quickly share how I came to produce/host this show. For several years, I played with ideas for producing a show for VoV on 101.9 FM KVSH, but I knew how much time, effort and commitment went into a quality show worth listening to, so I delayed. I waited. Then, after participating in the Artist Trust EDGE Professional Development Program for Writers, I discovered my heart project. Prose, Poetry & Purpose serves so many purposes! I serve my guest writers by providing them with a full hour to discuss their goals and hopes for their books and readers, I serve my community by creating quality content for our local radio station, and I serve my listeners by offering up a weekly hour of inspiration that leaves listeners either satisfied or hungry for more. Producing/hosting PP&P is a joy, because what’s better than expanding the scope of people’s understanding of our world?
So! What’s coming at you this July? Twice as much inspiration!
Prose, Poetry & Purpose airs every Tuesday @ 1pm, but this July, PP&P will run from 1-3pm with back to back amazing author interviews! This summer, when you’ve been busy all morning and the midday siesta comes a-calling, what could be better than a tall glass of something icy cold and a brilliant interview to entertain you? Or, any other time of the day, when your hands are busy but your mind is free…catch Prose, Poetry & Purpose on my podcast @!
This month’s authors:
– Garth Stein is a well-known New York Times Bestselling author with a new Graphic Novel out called The Cloven, and (no joke) it’s based on Vashon Island! (Plus, did you know his breakout novel, The Art of Racing in the Rain, was adapted into a movie in 2019? Trailer:
– Michelle Sagara is one of the preeminent fantasy writers of our age, with almost 40 novels under her belt and a new novel in the Chronicles of Elantra Series recently released: Cast in Conflict. If you love fantasy (and especially if you love to write) don’t miss this interview!
– Beth Jusino is a published author (Walking to the End of the World about her adventures along the Camino de Santiago) & publishing consultant with a fierce brilliance of mind and total professionalism in her manner and view of the business of writing.
– Jessica Brody is none other than the author of the amazing, life-changing, and brilliantly successful & success-creating book, Save the Cat Writes a Novel and more than 20 novels for tweens, teens and adults, including I Speak Boy, her recently released & hilariously suspenseful modern take on Jane Austen’s Emma.
I’m so glad you’re here, reading about the show that has opened my eyes to so many topics, challenges, research areas and fictional forms and stories that I otherwise wouldn’t have come across. If I can fill your day with the feelings of curiosity, intrigue, laughter and inspiration, then my time will have been well spent. Thank you for joining me during your cool, quiet, introspective moments…and for sharing Prose, Poetry & Purpose with those you care about.