Reflections upon books, writers & our lives.

The Occupation Thesaurus Book Review
The Occupation Thesaurus is the newest in a series that never fails to impress, but before I wax lyrical about all...
We Must Believe It First
Three months ago, I got up the gumption to invite one of my lifelong favorite authors to join me on Prose, Poetry...
The Path Keeper – Bk 1 of The Indigo Chronicles
NJ Simmonds has mastered the Art of Perseverance. Over a decade, if I recall the story correctly, she has worked to...
The World on a Bus
I love the bus. Why do I love the bus? Let me count the ways... As I clamor aboard the new red & white "D"...
This July, Enjoy two hours of PP&P every Tuesday!
Yesterday morning, I practically bounced off my bed and into my day with a jolt of excitement, a la my much adored and...